Thursday, December 02, 2004

some secular bile

i don't think the problem lies with the democrats or their message or their strategies or kerry's election campaign or political consultants or right wing morality or left wing populism or the politics of hope vs. despair.

i think in fact, a portion of our citizenry is basically a bunch of under-educated medieval peasants who fear the witch and the homosexual and the darkening of the seasons by lucifer. somehow -- unwisely in my book -- we've let them believe that they can leave the demesne without their lord's permission, speak without mockery and vote.

so the good news is we can stop beating ourselves up. the bad news is that those wattle and daub houses are REALLY unsanitary. also, it's likely the Albigensians were ahead of their time too and look how well THAT ended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true. i just watched them cheer for the death penalty. and i could have sworn i heard someone say, burn him! he's a witch!